
PLM for Health, Wellness and Fitness Devices

People continue to push human physical limits further than once thought possible. Society is more health-conscious and informed, making it safer to realize one's full physical potential. Whether it's an Olympic competitor or a senior living alone, having access to information about their physical condition plus the ability to share it with health and wellness software, is important.

Today’s Health, Wellness and Fitness Devices offer numerous quality-of-life improvements whether for an Olympic competitor, a child at daycare, an office worker, or a senior living alone. “Quality-of-life” may depend upon gathering predictive analytics data to anticipate a future cardiac arrest, activity tracking for an office worker, or monitoring a senior at home who may need urgent assistance. Most devices are small, Hi-Tech, and often wearable, so must be aesthetic. From an engineering perspective they resemble a consumer Hi-Tech device but often with the additional requirement of needing regulatory approval. Cross-functional collaboration is essential because engineering processes for fitness technology services involve many roles; mechanical, electronic, welness software solutions and IoT devices as examples. Enter Duro, the next-generation Cloud-Native PLM solution to aid engineering collaboration for health and wellness technology in exactly these situations.

What Duro delivers for Health, Wellness and Fitness companies

  • Affordability

    Health, Wellness and Fitness Devices are often intelligent, self-installable, non-upgradeable, non-repairable, throw-away devices. High costs of R&D and product approval make it challenging for the OEM to make a profit. Duro is engineered exactly for these situations; no surprises, no hardware or consulting means its the most affordable PLM solution for technology in the health and wellness industry.

  • Traceability

    Health, Wellness and Fitness Devices usually belong to a family of products that share common core technologies and components. Engineering often validates that choices made by sourcing will work, rather than define all final design choices. Duro’s structured workflows, event logs, parametric search, history tables, and roll-back capability ensure traceability of who did what, how, and why.

  • Interoperability

    Duro’s deep integrations with tools, e-catalogs and systems ensure an uninterrupted Digital Thread. Duro provides commonly needed integrations to mCAD/eCAD, ERP, e-catalogs and desktop Office, all Out-of-the-Box. Additionally, a RESTful API allows users to configure their own integrations. Users can also create event triggers using webhooks accessible under Settings for things such as Change Order status change that affects another external system.

  • Agile Team Collaboration

    Health, Wellness and Fitness Devices have a high percentage of procured content sourced from suppliers which means many product stakeholders must spontaneously collaborate to make decisions fast. Duro’s Git Workflow paradigm used in the software industry, where structured workflows are uncommon, suits consumer electronics product development perfectly.